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We help nonprofit founders navigate making their vision a reality.
  • We provide guidance on choosing the right model for your organization, including deciding whether fiscal sponsorship or starting a new tax-exempt organization is the best fit.
  • We support all aspects of starting a new tax-exempt entity, including: forming an organization, obtaining federal tax-exempt status (Form 1023), and drafting governance documents (articles of incorporation, by-laws, etc.).
  • We provide strategic advising on initial strategic plans, budgets, staffing, fundraising and other sources of revenue, operations, and programming.
We provide existing tax-exempt organizations, including public charities and private foundations, with a full range of legal services.
  • We advise on, draft, and negotiate a wide range of legal documents and contracts for tax-exempt organizations, including employee and independent contractor agreements, vendor agreements, service agreements, fiscal sponsorship agreements, affiliate agreements, etc.
  • We provide general advice and counsel on employment matters.
  • We advise on all tax and compliance matters with Internal Revenue Services (IRS), Connecticut Departments of Revenue Services (DRS), and Massachusetts Department of Revenue (DOR), including reviewing Forms 990. We also support organizations in seeking reinstatement of their tax-exempt status after revocation.
  • We provide support with all Board and governance related matters, including drafting and implementing governance policies (e.g., whistleblower, conflict of interest, document retention, and destruction policies); reviewing Board minutes; drafting Board resolutions; providing Board governance trainings; and attending Board meetings.
  • We provide guidance on grant-making and fundraising, including reviewing grant proposals and agreements.
  • We advise on advocacy, lobbying, and political activities for 501(c)(3), 501(c)(4), and other tax-exempt organizations.
We support nonprofit organizations in transitioning their mission to a new phase.
  • We support tax-exempt organizations in winding down responsibility.
  • We support organizations moving in or out of fiscal sponsorship.
  • We advise on, negotiate, and draft documents related to mergers and dissolutions of tax-exempt organizations.

Speciality Areas of Expertise

Fiscal Sponsorship

We provide fiscal sponsors and organizations seeking fiscal sponsorship with guidance on fiscal sponsorship structures, fiscal sponsorship agreements, negotiations between fiscal sponsors and sponsored organizations, and related governance and compliance issues.

Education Finance Policy

We are subject matter experts in education finance policy and provide advice and guidance to a wide range of education organizations and government entities on federal and state education finance policy.